Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Girl Scouting in LA

So LA was amazing as usual.  Every time I go there I feel like I could stay forever.  Although San Fran has a special place in my heart, I am starting to grow a love for LA as well.  Either way, just being in that part of the world, felt so good, so close to home. The sounds, the smells, the feel. We even flew over Canada on the way there and I got to sit in the cockpit and watch the northern lights, it was pretty surreal.  I had Starbucks and good Mexican food and watched Fresh Prince and Saved by the Bell.  My brother Sonny and his girlfriend Madison live there, so they always take me to different places around the city.  It's been nice getting to know my brother since we didn't grow up together.  He's pretty great, and it's funny, I notice similarities in us every now and then.  We both realized that neither of us know how to spell :)  Anyway, he just got a job as a graphic designer with an American clothing company.  He had an assignment to go around the city and find cute chicks dressed in trendy outfits, they call them style leaders.  He had to take there photo and interview them.  It was pretty fun scouting all the girls in LA.  We realized the guys in LA have way more style, weird.  He even used me, too bad I wasn't dressed very stylish that day.  shucks!

Unforgettable sunset

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